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Low Vision: Template for Low Vision Supplemental Guidance

User Needs

{ see examples in What’s New in 2.1 }

Problem: "{ ... }"
Works Well: "{ ... }"

Quick Checks

{ optional. put here if it will help readers understand the ide. if the check is complex, put it later }

[Terms | Key Concepts]

{ optional . put up top here only the essential information needed to understand the next section, others can go lower . or integrate in the description}


{ as succinct as feasible to get across important points. put supporting information elsewhere and can put links to it }


{ include enough to illustrate the point, but not too many to make it long }

What To Do

{ what designers, developers, others need to do }

How it Helps Users

{ briefly explain the user experience – why this is needed }

{ how it makes content accessible for people with disabilities }

{ can include additional benefits beyond accessibility (e.g., using phone in bright sunlight) }


{ optional. how which technologies support it or not }

Related Resources

Key Terms

Internal Notes

(These notes are not for the published document — just for us working through ideas.)

{ notes here :- }

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